Privacy Policy

As an integral part of the Terms of Use and Browsing Conditions of the iGUi Website this document, called Privacy Policy, whose purpose is to establish the rules on the obtaining, use and storage of data and information collected from Internet users, in addition to recording their activities on the website.

Overview of this Policy

User privacy is an extremely important concern for us. As an iGUi policy, we are committed to respecting your privacy with regard to any information we may collect, both on this portal and on other channels we own and operate.

We only request personal information when necessary, in order to provide you with an adequate service. This collection is carried out fairly, legally and with your full knowledge and consent. Furthermore, we inform you clearly and transparently of the reasons why we are collecting such information and how it will be used.

When we store data, we take commercially acceptable and legally compliant security measures to prevent loss, theft, damage, or unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. Please note that we only retain this information for as long as necessary to provide the requested service.

We do not share personally identifiable information publicly or with third parties, except in the cases provided for in law 13,709/2018.

It is important to note that our portal may contain links to external pages that are not operated by us. We would like to point out that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, therefore, we cannot assume any responsibility or be legally responsible for their respective privacy policies.

For navigation and general use of the portal, it is not mandatory for the user to provide identification information. However, it is important to highlight that, to take advantage of certain specific services we make available on our website, such as services logged into the restricted area, the virtual store, iGUi Delivery, the Budget page and SAC, it is necessary for the user to provide data to the iGUi so that it is possible to identify you properly and enable the use of these services.

We understand and respect your freedom of decision regarding the request for personal information. If you choose not to provide such information, we may not be able to provide you with certain desired services.

It is worth noting that, by continuing to use our website, we consider your acceptance of our privacy and personal information practices. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, we ask that you contact us, as explained at the end of these terms of use.

How do we process your data?

The iGUi website exclusively processes personal data in situations where such processing is legally authorized or when there is express and unequivocal consent from the user. As described in this Policy, the iGUi website strictly adheres to legal guidelines to collect, use, access, reproduce, transmit, distribute, process, store, communicate and transfer data about the user, ensuring full compliance with current regulations.

The legal bases include your consent (collected expressly and unequivocally in the Consent Form), contracts and preliminary contractual procedures (where processing is necessary to enter into a contract with the User) and legitimate interests, as long as such processing does not violate your rights and freedoms.

Such legitimate interests include protecting the user and the iGUi website from threats, complying with applicable legislation, managing commercial transactions, improving business and customer relationships, and creating economic opportunities. These interests are carefully considered, always respecting the user's individual rights and freedoms.

The data collected is:

a) Location: Get a Quote page

  • Personal data: Name, Email, Telephone, State, City, Message opened.


Return of contact by the Commercial area, which will first be carried out over the phone by the responsible sector.


After contact is returned, the data collected will be anonymized for statistical control, within a maximum of 1 month.

b) Location: SAC (customer service) page

  • Personal data: Name, Telephone, E-mail, CPF, Warranty Number, CEP, State, City, Neighborhood, Street, Description of the question, suggestion or information (open field).


Return of contact by the factory SAC (customer service) to resolve the doubt, suggestion or information requested.


After the request has been resolved, the collected data will be anonymized for statistical control, within a maximum of 1 month.

c) Location: Logged Area

  • Personal data: Email and Password.


Access to restricted area, permitted only to registered and active franchisees.


During the term of the franchise agreement.

d) Location: Franchise Offer

  • Personal data: Name, Email, Telephone, City of Interest, Invested Capital.


Return of contact by the National or International Expansion area.


For a period of 1 year after the end of the negotiation if you do not acquire an iGUi network franchise.

e) Location: Virtual Store – iGUi Delivery

  • Name, Surname, Date of Birth, CPF, Gender, Email.


Basic registration for purchasing products from the website, payments and proper delivery to the indicated address.


For a period of 1 year after the last purchase.

Data Subject Rights

To ensure compliance with the rights of data subjects, the iGUi website provides the user with several options related to the management of their personal data, collected, processed and stored. This includes the possibility of requesting the deletion and/or correction of this data. We are committed to providing users with control and transparency over their personal information.

The User can request:

  1. Data deletion: the User may request the deletion of some of their Personal Data (for example, if they are no longer necessary to provide the services to them).
  2. Change or correct data: the User can edit or request the editing of some of their Personal Data, request updates, changes or corrections to their data in certain cases, especially if they are incorrect.
  3. Place objections, limits or restrictions on the use of data: the User may request that we stop using all or some of their Personal Data (for example, if we do not have the right to continue using it), or limit our use of such data (for example, if your Personal Data is incorrect or stored illegally), highlighting that the iGUi Website may process Personal Data in accordance with legal bases.
  4. The User has the right to access or take his data: the User can request a copy of his Personal Data and the data he provided in a readable format in printed or electronic form.

The User can make the requests listed above by contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO) so that they can be considered in accordance with applicable laws.


Data Protection Officer (DPO): Weder Rodrigo

Date of last update of this Policy: October 2022.