New G6 Filter with more practicality, safety and savings in treating your pool
Leisure and well-being are directly linked to safety in swimming pools and with this in mind, iGUi developed a specific concept of filters and important series items to protect and make your family's life easier, such as Control Panel, iGUi Chlorinator, Automatic Vacuum Cleaner, Colored Lighting and Handrail Max, and in this way guarantee much more fun in total safety.
The iGUi Chlorador series item works like a chlorine factory, transforming the salt added to water into chlorine. This pool treatment system is the most used throughout the world due to its practicality, efficiency and product savings.

In countries where safety is a priority, closed suction has been prohibited for many years, and with this equipment, suction, drainage and circulation of water are carried out without pressure exposed to the user, preventing the risk of hurting or entrapping submerged people. .

The G6 filter line comes equipped with a 3/4 HP self-priming motor pump that provides filtration of 13.09 m³/h and with space in its engine room to install an extra motor pump for the heating system.

Standard Items of this filter model
  • QC MAX Control Panel
  • iGUi* Chlorinator
  • Self-Priming Motor Pump of ¾ CV with Thermal Protector (Stainless Shaft)*
  • iGUiLux Color RGB lighting (1 18W LED)*
  • Pair of Handrails*
  • Suction Kit: Vacuum Cleaner, Dust Collector, Super Side and 3m* Painted Telescopic Handle
  • Connection Kit for Ecological Hydraulic Duct*
  • Records for Cascade, Drainage, Return and Hydrotherapy*
  • Papaterra (automatic vacuum cleaner)*
  • Filter Skimmer*
  • Aqualevel (Automatic Level Regulator)*
  • Complete Hydrotherapy*
  • Level Drains*
  • Adapter and Pre-Filter*
  • Secure Lid (Security Key)*
  • Kelvin thermometer*
  • To Keep*
  • 01 Cartridge Filter (North American System)*
  • 01 Return Device*
  • 01 Heating Standby Device*
  • Insulated cable system*
  • Max* System
  • Practical System*
  • Instruction and Warranty Manual*
  • Ecological Packaging*
  • Classification A in the PROCEL* seal
* iGUi Exclusivity
** Optional auxiliary heating pump.

Attention: Make sure that all products and accessories installed in your pool are from the iGUi/Progeu brand.

We are not responsible for related products, and no guarantees will be provided for products from other brands.

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