Raia - Swimming at Home

Practice swimming at home!
Practice swimming at home!

Train at home like the US pro swim teams.


Swimming is an excellent sport and brings several benefits such as: physical and cardiovascular conditioning, lower blood pressure, improved coordination, rhythm, flexibility and agility, among others.

Installing Raia iGUi is very simple! Simply drill into the pool deck approximately 1 meter from the edge to anchor the base.

We inform you that Raia equipment should not be operated by children or minors without the assistance of a responsible person.

Minors and children must always be assisted by a responsible person.

Immediate delivery

Attention: Make sure that all products and accessories installed in your pool are from the iGUi/Progeu brand.

We are not responsible for related products, and no guarantees will be provided for products from other brands.

Want to know more details? Request a quote